Brand Essence, Beyond Logos


In the fast-paced world of branding and brand strategy, we often focus on visual elements such as logos and colors.

But what is a brand? Is it just what we see? In reality, a brand goes far beyond aesthetics.

It is the amalgamation of feelings and thoughts that it evokes in people’s minds and hearts. Let me take you on a brief journey into the heart of what it means to build a powerful brand.

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A Brand is Emotion and Perception

Imagine an iconic brand. It could be Apple, Coca-Cola or Nike. What comes to mind? Surely, a flood of emotions and memories. That’s precisely what a brand seeks to achieve: a deep, emotional connection with its audience. A brand is not just a product or service; it is a set of experiences and values that reside in people’s minds.

Three Keys to Influencing Perceptions

Excelencia en lo que Hacemos: No hay atajos cuando se trata de calidad. Si tu producto o servicio brilla en términos de funcionalidad y satisfacción del cliente, estás construyendo los cimientos de una marca sólida. La excelencia crea confianza y, a su vez, cultiva una imagen positiva en la mente del consumidor.

Exceptional Customer Service: Human interactions are the invisible glue that binds brands to their followers. Every customer encounter is an opportunity to demonstrate empathy and authenticity. Treating people with kindness and respect builds lasting relationships and turns customers into loyal ambassadors.

Communicate at the right time: Effective communication is the common thread that connects all facets of a brand. But communicating at the right time is critical. Knowing which social network to use and when to use it. Keeping customers informed about news, promotions and changes shows commitment and creates positive expectations.

A brief reflection

In this fast-paced world, we often forget to stop and reflect on how we relate to brands. Looking beyond the shiny surfaces and flashy logos, we discover that a brand is a set of emotions and thoughts that influence our decisions.

What emotions do you feel about a brand you love? What thoughts do you associate with it? Reflect on how these brands have managed to resonate with you and consider how you can apply these lessons to your own brand strategy.

In conclusion

Ultimately, a brand is the symphony of emotions and perceptions it provokes in people. Through excellence in your products, warm treatment of people and strategic communication, you can intentionally shape these impressions. Remember, a powerful brand resides not only in colors and shapes, but in the hearts and minds of those it serves.

Brand Essence, Beyond Logos
By: Víctor Raúl Ordóñez

Brand Marketing Consultant

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