Brand Calculator, discover opportunity areas

Brand Calculator, discover opportunity areas

At ADmira Brand, we are committed to helping companies reach their full potential in today’s marketplace, and offer them tools that allow them to discover windows of opportunity.

As specialists in branding, marketing and business strategy, we have developed an easy-to-use tool that can help you propel your brand to greater success: the Brand Calculator.

An important consideration: this tool only considers points that in our opinion are essential for a first strategic and operational reflection. The distribution of the values is proportional, 1/10. It is very useful to have an overview of which areas have potential for development.

The Brand Calculator focuses on three main areas:

  • Strategy
  • Branding
  • Marketing

and here we will explain how you can benefit your brand in each of them.


A solid branding strategy is essential for any business. The Brand Calculator helps you evaluate your current branding strategy and identify areas of development to strengthen it.

This includes clarity of your message, understanding your target audience and effectively communicating your foundational values.

By comparing, however briefly, your current business strategy, you will be in a stronger position to make the necessary adjustments, implement initiatives, and thus attract and retain more customers.


The visual and emotional identity of your brand is a crucial part of your success. The Brand Calculator helps you reflect on the coherence and effectiveness of your branding.

It provides you with an overview to help you decide to improve the look and feel of your brand.

Impactful branding not only attracts attention, but also creates lasting emotional connections with customers.

Digital Marketing

In today’s digital world, marketing plays a key role in the success of your brand. The Brand Calculator leads to reflection on your social media presence.

It questions you about how you are using digital marketing and opens the door to optimizing it to strengthen your brand strategy.

In a nutshell

ADmira Brand’s Branding Calculator is a tool that can open the discussion to analyze your branding, branding and digital marketing strategy.

It gives you insight into where your brand might currently be, and possibly the reasons why business results have not grown.

If you are committed to taking your brand to the next level in today’s competitive marketplace, our Brand Calculator is a tool you can’t afford to overlook.

Don’t wait any longer and start strengthening your brand today.

Brand Calculator, discover opportunity areas
By: Víctor Raúl Ordóñez

Brand Marketing Consultant

Brand Calculator

Do you want to know what areas of opportunity your brand has?

Find out with our tool!

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